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CALL FOR PAPERS Computer Science Engineering
International Journal on Computer Science and Information Technologies
IJCSIT – Current Issue
ISSN: 0975–9646
Original papers are invited in the area of computer science and engineering. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
- Theory of Parallel Processing and Distributed Computing
- Foundations of High-performance Computing
- Artifial Intelligence& Pattern/Image Recognition
- Neural Network
- Data Base Management Systems (DBMS) & Information Retrieval
- Digital Signal Processing
- Ad-Hoc, Mobile, Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing
- Mobile Agent Computing
- Quality of Services and Communication Protocol
- 3G/4G Network Evolution
- CDMA/GSM Communication Protocol
- Mobile Computing for e-Commerce
- Cryptography and Foundation of Computer Security
- Authentication/Authorization Issues
- PKI(Public Key Infrastructures)
- IDS/Firewall, Anti-Spam mail, Anti-virus issues
- Wireless Security System
- e-Business Applications
- Advanced Numerical Algorithms
- Scientific and Engineering Computing
- Hybrid Computational Methods
- Complex Systems: Modeling and Simulation
- Problem Solving Environments
- Data Visualization and Virtual Reality
- Web- and Grid-based Computing and Simulation
- Hardware/Software Co-design and VLSI Support
- Possibility Theory, Bayes Network and Hidden Markov Models
- Computational Intelligence, Granular Computing and Soft Computing
- New Algorithmic Approaches to Computational Kernels and Applications
- Architectures and Computation Models, Compiler, Hardware and OS Issues
- Computational Science Aspects of Data Mining, Information Retrieval and Text Mining
- Any other topics relevant to latest trends in Computer Science and Information Technologies
All submitted papers will be reviewed based on their quality by the technical committee and reviewers.

Dates to Remember:
Last Date for Paper Submission : 25th of every month
Paper will be published in Current Issue
Submit your manuscripts to the IJCSIT (editor@ijcsit.com)